I drive to the library with high hopes,
A car pulling out of the narrow,
Curved exit right as I’m
Trying to pull in.
I walk in to the scene
Of a man talking very loudly
To his four-year-old kid
Who was, himself,
Very loud.
I walk back to 813.
I look around.
It does not look like a poetry section.
The editions are bright and bold,
Suggesting a cluster of
Mass media fiction.
The books are proud,
Massive and prominent,
Not bedraggled, worn,
Humble and embarrassed.
I open one of the books
And it’s something about
“I live in a body
That the world does not think is my own.”
I slam it closed.
I open another book.
It’s a woman mentioning
That her father beat her
And now is on his death bed
And I cannot truly say that she “details”
This, since there are no details.
It is like an experience
Of getting hit with a blunt
Baseball bat by a
Person who is bored.
I am bound,
Now, to that
Poetess’ meaningless
Beatings, and the
Meaningless reality
Of this father lying in
This hospital, ascribed
Many things which are
Worn, bedraggled,
Embarrassed and humble,
And haphazardly passed off as
I look on the lower shelf and see
David Sedaris and think of his
Moral compunction
In flummoxed,
Deadened sentences.
Finally I go
Over to the librarian
And ask her if there’s a “classics”
Section and I find that and
It’s all fiction, no poetry,
The one exception being
The Odyssey, which I have at home.
An attractive blonde girl
Is suspicious of me
And traipses out of the library
And I can’t help but think,
Did she find what she needed here,
Maybe too much.
I have the weird premonition
To go to my old middle school
But I go to my old high school instead
Realizing that that would make more sense.
There’s a baseball game going on
And I saunter in, passing
The “donations” box with
One one-dollar bill in my wallet.
After about 15 minutes,
I see an old friend
And say hi, wave.
He comes over and talks to me.
Unbeknownst to me,
He’s been teaching freshman algebra
At the high school
On a substitute’s wage and
We exchange stories of high schoolers,
Me telling of the 16-year-old black dishwasher
At work
Trying to pick a fight with me
Outside work
Right in front of a cop
And saying “Run it” over and over,
Him telling of the kids saying they’re gonna
“Smoke his pack.”
I look at the fat, black
Pitcher of my high school
Who’s the son of one of my old friends,
And that lazy way he has of
Helming that ball over the plate,
I look across the street
At the stately houses,
Houses which possess people
Who use bug spray, people
Who work dishwashers,
People who spend $8000
To replace furnaces and
People looking for a way,
You might say,
This was what I’d been looking for
All along.