

I once met a man on the street and

In an explosion of light

He gave me a smile,

Some humor,

And a piece of advice

That stuck with me forever

As my beacon in life.


I would see that man at the grocery store and

There would always be somebody in front of him

Who’d lost their food stamps

Or was trying to use faulty coupons.


But he’d never yell at the customer and

He’d look over and see me and say,


Almost with that whole bath of light he’d wielded on the street.


I would see that man

At the movie theater,

Seeing bad movies and

Always stepping on pieces of gum

That had been thrown into the aisle.


He wouldn’t notice me in the theater.


I would see that man getting his car fixed and

Always have to get a new replacement part

Because they couldn’t fix it and

Couldn’t find one used.


He never got mad at the mechanics and

He would see me out of his peripheral vision

While scowling and sweating

And he wouldn’t say “Hey,”

But I could tell he was embracing me in his own way,

I could tell he held out a little light for me.


I could see it in his skin.


I could see it in the past.


I would see that man,

When we got older,

Bringing coupons into Arby’s

And paying the cashier with pennies and nickels and

He would see me and not recognize me,

Smiling at me with greyed, addled eyes

That poured a trace amount of light out of them

So small that you’d have never known it was in there.


But I saw it.


I saw it in the past and I remembered that man.


And I would see that man in the newspaper,

Deceased, divorced from his wife,

Leaving two kids who live in town and

Enjoyed going to the movies and

Eating in restaurants


And I would sit back and marvel

And bask in the glow

Of the beautiful life he had lived

And how it had touched me.

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