
“Our Neighbor Shoots His Gun off”

I’m living out here in the middle of nowhere

Two miles south of South Bend

Because in town there are burglaries in

Every neighborhood I can afford.


It’s ok, in general,

Nice and comfortable,

But sometimes when I’m heading out of town at night

After work

Into the endless black abyss

I get this really ominous feeling.


The other night

Before I went running after work

I got it really bad but

Didn’t encounter any dogs, luckily.


Today I sit on a beautiful Saturday

Before work and

The only sound to be heard


Is this dude up the road

Firing his gun. He doesn’t seem

To do it in any particular system or

With any certain rhythm,


Giving the impression


It’s just something he does

Until he feels a way

That’s different

From how he feels now.


I do that too.


I go out for beers after work, sometimes.


And hell, it works.


That’s a lot of what this world is —

Mortal beings striving for immortality.

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