Monthly Archives: December 2023
“Like Black Ice”
Talking to the Canadian woman, 27 or so, In the Walgreens in North Carolina, . I am observing how she stands Patiently and easily, making Voluminous eye contact with Dark, non-expressive but . Softly inviting eyes. . She is alarmingly marked by The fact that she is not frightened, Not acting like I am a […]
“An Analysis of the ‘Non-Sequitur Red Bull Commercial’”
Anybody who’s been watching TV in the last five years knows that these animated Red Bull commercials are pretty much the pinnacle of existence. They feature droll, unique little characters, all drawn in soothing, pastel tones, and range from cute, to bizarre, to downright mind-blowing, as is the case with one of the most recent […]
“On a Highway to He**”
I am bathing in a quagmire of atrocity. Day by day, I just try to stay calm and not do anything stupid. To the greatest extent possible, I try to evade humanity. When I spend two consecutive days in my room, blogging, listening to music, writing poetry, staring out the window and watching college basketball, […]