
“Wedding Booze”

I missed the wedding,

The entire thing,

The entire 15-minute wedding,

Because I couldn’t find the banquet hall

Where it was located

In my own hometown

And no one else knew either

At the gas stations that were within a mile of it,

Out in the country.


I got there at 5:15 —

A cloudy, generally pleasant day in July

With light rain.


The time that I got there

Was exactly concurrent with

The opening of the bar,

Which we were all free to indulge in

Limitlessly and

At our own discretion.


At one point I caught sight of this

Attractive redhead I’d worked with

At a sports bar in town,

Me cooking and she waiting tables.


I couldn’t catch her eye but

After the meal and the bussing

She seemed to be standing by herself

So I went over and said hi to her.


I’d noticed that

She’d been there with a boyfriend

From the activities before

But at this moment she was standing

By herself.


I got a friendly greeting from her —

A smile,

And eyes that were lit up,

Sort of like a reference back to the

Volcano of elation

I assume



Up in the sky, somewhere.


We made small talk and

When I asked her if she still worked at Brothers

She went “Uhh,”

And waited like five seconds,

Before answering “No,”

With hilarious deliberateness and

An intense look into my eye,

As if she’d just come upon

A significant revelation.


At one point I got a finger against my chest

With eye contact and conversation and I thought,

There’s no way this is really happening.


Plus she’s with a boyfriend.


Well I did have on my $20 straw Fedora

That I’d got at a 7/11 one summer,

So you can kind of see how

Things were working out.


I picked the right time to break off the conversation

And said “see ya,”

Strolling then back to my mom’s table with

I’m sure an extra bounce in my step.


When I saw the redhead later she was flushed,

Sitting with the boyfriend which was this huge dude,

Outside the stoop of the wedding at about nine,

Maybe waiting for a ride, or something

Along those lines.


It was going to be a long day the next day,

For sure,

I got the idea.


The wedding was great —

Or, I should say, the reception,

Which as I alluded to,

Lasted three hours and 45 minutes,

In comparison with the

Actual wedding,

Which lasted 15 minutes

(All of which yes I did miss for reasons partially my own fault).


I’d drank two Beck’s on the way up

And I had one left in the car and I figured,


It’s about time to get back to that.


I’d said hi to the bride

At one point, who was my cousin,

Said hi to the groom, with whom

I got along real well,

Greeted any number of relatives cordially and

In general found it a near flawless experience,

For all intents and purposes.


That redhead girl I saw was in nursing,

Which she’d turned to after waiting tables

At our bar.


Medical clinics and oncological units

Flooded our town like wildfire and

At weddings, the spiritual formality was scant and the

Alcohol consumption rampant.


Nobody asked why.


Nobody had to.

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