

The woman and I both realized internally

That we needed some conflict in order to be happy —


That the being “friends” thing didn’t really work,

We both secretly hated our jobs,

Hated the clothes we had to wear

Into our jobs,


And we were both a little bit scared,




We drove across town passing

Boarded-up blocks and

Societal refuse with heat outside the gas station

At night.


We’d shout, then,


She’d bite me on the leg and I’d

Smack her in places of her body

I can’t disclose, we


Got to body coating

Like a high school rite of passage

Officially endorsed by The North Face,

Then quit,

Then still hated our jobs we had to go back to

The next day.


I said to myself,


I’m the king of my little

Fucking mole hill here.


So we tried being friends,

It was night in winter

And we both felt a sun burning

On the insides of us,


Perceived a red,

Bulbous ball arching up around us

With us at the excretory bottom and

The man in there was playing a harp,


It was a paean to death,

The death of the white man and

His blood running like sangria

Across the frozen ground

The same damn color, after all.

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