
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“The Essence of Life”

I thought of emptying fluid Into a particular woman Who has electric blond hair And a slender neck, large Witch’s nose. I thought Of us smiling, under The myth of romantic Love, under The Myth of success, Happiness, and I thought Of the essence of Creation. Are we Subservient To something? Is there something More, […]


I noticed the suicide watch post at the university and I signed up. It was to make up to $225. That seemed like good money and I’ve been going through it. I filled out the survey, with my phone number, e-mail address and all that good stuff we know and hate. And I got all […]

“Worm Moon”

The Buddha is crying. The flag is cold and shivering. Our atmosphere is wilting. . LA is poised to drown, The tide tickling the “Hollywood” sign On the side of the mountain. . I went downtown today And heard a homeless dude uttering Threats, I saw an old lady In entropy, and I Averted eye […]

“The Chicken or the Egg”

Sometimes, sitting in my hometown, in the backyard of where I lived with my mom, I’d get this electric vibe. And I just knew it was it. The lawns were all landscaped beautifully, flanked with colorful, aromatic gardens, the high school down the street procured spirited, energetic (sometimes violent) adolescents and that gas station two […]

“Cigarettes and Mountain Dew”

You stare a black, Coal truncheon Through my empty, Feeble optimism . As you sit there in the bar You frequent every night To smoke cigarettes and Drink Mountain Dew. . In you, I see a hurt little boy, Beneath your hard exterior, . And I See What the world does To little boys, and […]


Sports bars And tomboys Are subsuming my mind On this gray winter day and To get through the winding streets of Pittsburgh And escalate into your mountainous coordinates Would be akin to the next coliseum of murderous carnage, Like placing 20 five-ton cement planks On the summit of our sweat and cunning, As if watering […]

“Hung Crooked”

We were all hung crooked, In a way, With the universe composed of gunk That would seep itself onto our visages And make the hands sticky Of all the natives, . How we’d pounce From horror movie living rooms Into loud, endless mania, Left to the machine And the whip, Proud purveyors of Well-lit homicides.

“Fore Smoked”

The shop still stands There in my old neighborhood Of endless, stately houses, Neat lawns and Velcroed binoculars For the leering. . The same man still owns the shop With eyes like splintered wooden blanks That penetrate your benevolent intentions And with high school female employees Populating the premises like Some off-colored rhododendrons Out of […]

“Askance before the Dionysian Double-Standard”

I’ve been single for a long time and just today, I was sitting around my room before work, and thinking about finally actively pursuing a girlfriend. I’m just coming off this brief string of days where I went out three out of the four, the one when I didn’t go out laced with what seemed […]


I seek out asylum, A respite from the monsoon of Pop-fizz realities and urgent Chemical inundations. . I find it Behind the abandoned Target store On an 80-degree day in summer, Where I . Park behind the store’s barracks Which block me from Yosemite Sam Searching me for weed. . Off in the distance, About […]