
“Fore Smoked”

The shop still stands

There in my old neighborhood

Of endless, stately houses,

Neat lawns and

Velcroed binoculars

For the leering.


The same man still owns the shop

With eyes like splintered wooden blanks

That penetrate your benevolent intentions

And with high school female employees

Populating the premises like

Some off-colored rhododendrons

Out of season.


And that

Dark Horse

Fore Smoked Stout


Sits on the shelves in there,

Rich, robust and with

Unmistakably rounded flavor,

A beer I’ve



Been able to find

Anywhere else around.


And really,

I don’t need it.


There’s Bell’s Kalamazoo Stout,

There’s Old Rasputin,

There’s Budweiser,

For when pay day’s coming up.


But the Fore Smoked

Napalms on to my consciousness

Like the decadent curve of a

High school girl’s posterior,


Like the low,

Moribund, gurgling



That is this world

And that


Makes you squint

Or nervously chuckle,

As you change the channel.

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