
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“One Time I Accidentally Showed This Like 13 Year Old Girl My Co** and it Was Like the Most Beautiful Thing”

You know how South Bend, Indiana is — something propelled me to go out at like three in the afternoon on a day off and get hammered. Anyway, I was riding my bike back home a couple hours later and had to drain the main vein. There was this giant pine tree I thought I’d […]

“Sunshine Sammy Says / Part 62”

* Sunshine Sammy returns: “Why don’t you like my dog, a**hole?” Hey, Rick. It’s me, Sammy, from the other day. You were over. Yeah, how’s it goin’. Look, why don’t you like my dog, a**hole? Its name is Gertrude and I hope you know she’s got gout, arthritis and a metal plate behind her ear. […]

“Red Like the Sun”

Now we see With James Brown blaring in the background On a booming jukebox   The spectacle of America That evades reason — The skin-blessed women Dancing next to the athletes, The purveyors of life, blood and vibrancy,   The whole system of deluge Within want, an orgiastic orchestra Of that for which man will […]


It wasn’t originally conceived as funny, Though it seems our only choice to treat it as such, Our platform of deaths and Mocking skies in this Post-catastrophic idea farm Where light dies and is mimicked With faces in temporary shapes  

“A Snapshot”

Today, For the first time, At my seasoned age   I am a trespasser on this land And I see things which are like molecules,   Little vacuoles of anger come To spit fire now And taste their own ashes later.  

“Glass of Human Sands”

So your life’s composed on all sides Of tense bisector eyes Which contort   And then summon themselves up to the sun With feather tears and Dance club validation Well   That’s what Being a nice person is, Isn’t it?  

“Shakespearean Tragedy”

Somehow I’m no longer in the mood for “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” since having taken in this U.S.A. – England 2019 Women’s World Cup semifinal. It goes like this. England was down 2-1 when one of their girls threaded this beautiful pass to this other, who netted the ball to tie the game. After […]

“I Friended 30 People Monday Night Drunk on Facebook. Then I woke up and Felt Like I Was Tripping.”

For some reason I sometimes get nervous friending people (it’s probably a good reason I just don’t know of), so it seems somehow less painless if I’m on about my ninth Natty Ice sitting around the crib after work. Typically I turn in about three or four on these nights and hopefully snooze off ‘til […]

“A Nod for the Nod’s Sovereignty”

  I live two miles from the nearest grocery store with fresh produce, One and a half miles from the nearest laundromat and Two miles from the closest post office, But just two blocks north and one block east of me lies Terre Haute Brewing Company, A brewery of rhinoceros proportions – I like going […]

“A Rounded Arc is the Most Belabored Path around a Vertex”

The everyday behavior In this dog eat dog world When rendered as the self’s ideal Is of a devil And the kindness Which materializes in unsuspected reservoir Is an anxiety – That waste matter you Tried to shed from your box of knives when you Couldn’t help but shine