For some reason I sometimes get nervous friending people (it’s probably a good reason I just don’t know of), so it seems somehow less painless if I’m on about my ninth Natty Ice sitting around the crib after work. Typically I turn in about three or four on these nights and hopefully snooze off ‘til about two… well on this night a frazzled frenzy piqued me from my sleep roundabouts 11:30 but the crushing human sensation was undeniable. It was like I knew what the glory of death was like. A lot of people were from my high school and the experience was an undeniable roller coaster of eyes, memories, images and emotions, pounding in and out of my mind like a drug invented by Bassnectar.
Sometimes you have to lean on this high school sh**: like I friended this one girl I worked with and she not only declined but blocked me… to be honest it wasn’t even someone I liked that much, it was just like more awkward not to friend her than to friend her seeing as we’d worked together for a year and a half. Then with this other girl from my high school, well-shaped, I got the same feeling like we didn’t know each other that well but our scholastic past bought me the social media privilege and hey I guess I’ll take what I can get these days. Then even being friends with the guys is cool: it gives you another “like” here and there and if nothing else another half-amusing meme complaining about women. We all possess inner beauty. But for other times, there’s still shots on social media sites.