
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Beer Gut Oranges”

Girls don’t like it when you have a beer gut And girls don’t like it when you look around at everyone in the room All the time When you’re sitting in the computer lab Not appearing to do much of anything But girls go down deep And they’re fishing for something Within themselves That is […]

“There Weren’t Any Librarians over by the Drop Box”

I was walking around the library again, with apparent directionlessness. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but rather that there was nothing on the premises I didn’t want to do. I even liked looking out the window and at the fish tank in the kids’ section. Something brought […]

“The Sounds the Frogs Make When They Leap onto the Electric Lillipads”

When you’re sitting there in the bar Sometimes It’ll seem like a world of possibilities is open And it is   It is the decompressor For the multitudinous populace as   It was even for this ferociously beautiful Young girl of about 24 or 25.   She hung out for a little bit… She seemed […]

“Amongst the Barracks of My Hometown, Late January”

It’s right in the middle of town Sports on the TV and No attractive women anywhere,   So I think, If ever there were a time For getting down to brass tacks, This would be it.   I order something very plebian, A pint of Coors Light, Tip well and sit there watching the Houston […]

Here Comes Precariousness”

The Best Buy employee comes over when I’m already talking to the girl About the new phone I can’t afford and The new service I can’t afford –   The purpose of his encountering the girl is in order to hit on her.   He correctly answers her question I was asking and I’m trying […]

“Listening to Lower Dens”

The world is throwing robust cavities of fire Up at your jaw for being who you are And you will stand among them and continue to reflect Whatever of the stars’ refraction you can scrape from your happenstances, You a walking pillar of wet paint In wrong decision powder  

“Montana is One Place, I Suppose”

Nobody would see that girl And not think she was the meaning of life — . How sophisticated and curved her face is But how opaque, How wild, unpredictable And unknowable with those tinted eyes, Those squat eyes that sit in the middle of a volcano Asking only to peer out as she is . […]


Every mode of living, Every happenstance of existence, It would seem, Would offer certain flaws, Obviated by the fact that Said existence doesn’t last forever . And in our current sector the long hours of labor Work their poisons on our minds and dispositions But we love the personal aspects of the pay check — […]

“To Not Claim”

I go to tend to my business at the bar And the kid is out there, averting my eye contact, Which oddly is sort of like living in the moment.   On his body is an Arizona State hoodie. He’s relating a story of waking up without his tailgate On his truck To a friend […]

“The Black Church”

The name of the church was “The City” and it seemed like it so I went in there one day when it was 75 degrees and sunny. Now, it might seem like a stupid thing to do, go inside and do something indoors on such a nice day. But outside, everywhere you went, was evidence […]