
“Amongst the Barracks of My Hometown, Late January”

It’s right in the middle of town

Sports on the TV and

No attractive women anywhere,


So I think,

If ever there were a time

For getting down to brass tacks,

This would be it.


I order something very plebian,

A pint of Coors Light,

Tip well and sit there watching the Houston Rockets,

Getting a five-second death glare from a black dude

For reasons still unknown to yours truly.


Time passes over and

I’m pretty much rooting for everyone,

With a couple questions in mind

(Let’s just say it’s the type of bar where the tender cares that you’re looking for a digital convertor)

But mostly not looking at anyone.


The music seems pretty good,

Like a punk/emo version of Jawbox

So I remark to the main tender,

“This is pretty good music.”


He agrees and says,

“It’s his,”

Motioning to an overweight cook

With a beard and a Bone Thugs hat on.


I nod at him and

All of a sudden I’m back in my hometown

In mind, body and spirit,

As I’m privy to this sort of mystical, expressionless

Stare, on the part of the cook,

With no “Thank you,”

No mention of who the band is and no

Frivolity at the tender’s remark that

“He’s eccentric.”


He’s just the eccentric dude in the Bone Thugs hat,

To this day, I did

Nothing to dethrone him but

Stand a little bit miffed at the security of his ego and quite frankly

Suspect of the level of satisfaction proviso in such things.

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