
“To Not Claim”

I go to tend to my business at the bar

And the kid is out there, averting my eye contact,

Which oddly is sort of like living in the moment.


On his body is an Arizona State hoodie.

He’s relating a story of waking up without his tailgate

On his truck

To a friend

And laughing…

I figure he’s from Arizona and

Feel sorry for him that he’s stuck in the Midwest.


Talking to him later I find he’s from Warsaw, Indiana

But lining up work out in Utah…

I say I think Utah would be a good place to live

And that I bet the people are friendly

And he fully agrees, eyes narrowing and

Head shaking when I bring up the topic of

Ever going home and, nursing his third

Double vodka and Sprite, he is

Laughing all around the world.


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