
“Untitled 338”

How many times do I have to learn

That my self isn’t solid?


In all my delusional excursions

Onto a throne in my mind



Chase a sleazy victory

Of separation and finality

I missed what I really wanted -.

The bone-gristle-cerrating


Ardor of fast-paced interaction

Which would yield

The inclination


To walk around on the golf course

By the river

With all the geese.

“After the Storm”

Nobody has an ego


As mother nature has taught us what we are…




We are all identical nodes of spirit

On our own, separate fractions

And it feels ok


As the world has turned and

Subsumed itself in volcanic light works


Nothing seems the same.


“South Bend, Pt. 2”

My former boss

At the bar

Unfriended me on Facebook

And won’t let me follow her on



The last time I talked to her,

She gave me a hug.


I’m not sure why,

But her bust has like doubled in size

Since I worked for her six years ago.


And now I’m left to think of this video

Of her twirling these flags

In a bathing suit on the beach,


Bending and swaying,


With various heavenly

Swatches of copper flesh

Wiggling with inertiatic zeal

Revealing themselves

Scantily or partially, at

Variant times.


And now I walk

Down a block downtown

And there’s this dusty feel to



But the women all seem to have


Huger breasts than ever,

Hence, hopefully,

Justifying my nervy quest to

Observe my former boss on social media.


I think back to the days of rock concerts,

At the Rum Village Inn, at the Anchor Inn,

And the Wander Inn

(Yes, all these bars are really called “inns”),


Of the phenomenon of

Observing music

And really sinking into it,



Incurring that phenomenon

Where it feels like you’re travelling spatially,

Listening to gripping music,

And where it hurts a little bit.


I think of Wilco


And I think of Sharon Van Etten.


When I go to this one part of town

I think of Pearl Jam and

I administer my pedestrian facial expression

At any number of punctiliously rendered

Locales around town,


All the while,

Carrying what I perceive as

My own sense of meaning,

Inside my head.

“Total Control”

I pass the

Derelict candy shop

On West Washington.


The shop has been

Closed, from



Looks of it,



About 40 years.


It is, however,

Secured with an

Armored door,


Which looks

Brand spanking new,

Vital, effective,

Impenetrable and non-

Negotiable, toward


A paradigm of

Total control.

“The Art Museum in South Bend”

The art museum in South Bend

Stands right downtown

On Michigan St.,

Down the block from a 10-story hotel

And the event center

That stages musicals, plays and concerts.


I take a sidewalk

Offset from the street 20 feet

To get in.


Stooped at the entrance

Is a boy of about 14

Looking moderately ornery.


I walk in and see three women —

Two grown, standing,

And one, younger, sitting at the front desk

And greeting me with a smile.


I wander over to one of the exhibits,

Then to another one,

And another one,


It’s incredibly stuffy in here.


I think,

I am in a woman’s habitat.


Over in another room,

Out the window,

I see a delivery dude,

Scowling with a hurried,

Stressed look and disposition.


So inside the museum

I see nothing but women

And outside the museum

I see nothing but men.


But it feels right going into that museum

And I don’t take any pictures

And I don’t post anything on social media


And I walk out of there,

Getting a professional smile

From the pretty girl who avoids my stare,

To forever be known as

That weird dude who went into

The art museum in South Bend.

“I Put on Clothing and Listen to Rock and Roll”

It is with a sly poker face

That I drive by the overpriced apartments


The ones I can’t afford,


And throughout my day

In the emotional desert

I will look for color

In the eyes of others


And find it when I’m least prepared

And most poised to temper my frustration

With the humor of water on wood,

The nonsense of light fired


As hurling through space,

In blaze

“Delusions are Real”

Impressions, sometimes,

Are derelict,

As the gay dude initially thinks

I’m coming on to him

To then sit listlessly

A couple nights later

As I ignore him,

Talking to the gorgeous female bartender

With the spectacular body,

Articulating, expressing and,


Embodying everything

I’d initially wanted to see in the gay dude

The other night


I smiled at him.

“To Paint a Lens Purple”

It’s your pride

That stinks up the room

When you’re so sure

That you’re reaching a plateau,

A platform that’s going to jettison you

From your former life

Of squalor, of insecurity and lack of meaning,

And people


Have every


To feel compunction

When they sense that flight in you



When they knock you down to size

Maybe you’re just giving them

What you hadn’t, before,

And is rightfully theirs all along and

This is the human experience you chose

With body needy, flawed and

Doomed for collapse.

“Untitled 315”

She was talking to me about something

And I didn’t really care anyway

I was just happy to have the company

And conversation

Like a movie that would be impossible to make now

And somewhere a plane was taking off

And she trailed off,

Left off,

Manufactured a stoppage to her rhetoric and

Withheld the remainder of

What she thought she’d say

And she smiled at me and walked away

And I’d never realized it before

But she was conferring with her God

And she wanted to keep that story to herself

Like the folklore that defines us and

Makes us who we are

When nothing else is working and

I didn’t know it but I still had

A lot more sinews to grind,

More blood to give and more

Love to waste on the way to this

Rainy, cool August night

At my respite two miles out of town

“Rank and File”

Were you blessed with

Resiliency or


Did you just

Get through

The sh**

You had to get through?


It depends

Who you ask.