
“The Wind Doesn’t Know Anyway”

I was never one for praying.

If I have to kneel to be good,
That just means my standing could use some work,
I’d rather fix my standing,
Or walking, I’ll walk to J Church, Alice in Chains,
Across hippie lines and
Napalming the carburetor lunges.

“Foolishness is Mandated”

There you see the civics venue,

It is always in dust,
Dreary and old,
Showing features for the

Those now skeletons
Who stepped out of line
And catalyzed change,
Your search for truth and stability
Ending in a woman’s figure
And a pounding heart.

“Zen Limit”

I hate having to bring books back to the library.

When I bring a book home and put it on my floor,
It develops roots.
I’ve got trees dwindling
Around my feet,
And this is my world,
In this do I hear chirping birds
Of blue and green
Singing a song that’s ever fresh
And aromatic.
The shelf is more like a graveyard,
Skyscrapers for the lonely.

“As the Rhododendrons Wilt”

It is to the attractive

That we tell the harshest secret
Which is,
That there’s nothing on Earth
Besides them.


Ancient scrolls, and engravings

Are what we’ve waited this whole time for
As the air blows light upon July
With a faint sense of the dead,
As farmers’ work toils out
Only to yield more,
We want yet
More of that coloration
That dims responsibility,
That provides to our lives a harmonious song
Of enigmatic brutality at life’s end,
We’ll never know it.

“North to South, East to West”

What on Earth happened,

Our rap music changed to being just about the money
When there wasn’t enough
Love only categorical advance
So in saying nothing,
The emcee is actually just depicting reality,
The art being evil personified in rhythm,
And life is yet but a dream.

“Dick Tracy”

Right away, when I sat down at the bar and looked at all the beer signs and mirrors on the wall, I remembered that this bar was depressing. It’s impossible to emerge, from some bars, as the same man you were when you went in.

I sat there for half an hour or so, listening to this tandem of guys on the other side talking about “fu**ing the bartender” being the only reason to go into a bar, and yelling at her to go make them something to eat, and then I got out and escaped, and somehow the air seemed fresher and livelier than ever. It was time for baseball tonight, I turned that on. The crew of anchors wasn’t even at this big deluxe desk, they had them set up in a little side room, standing up.
I had a feeling that all the amusing alcoholics in the world had got girlfriends, had gone on Labor Day trips, and had shut up, tranquil from the company of the female sex. Me, watching Sportscenter’s Top Plays lowers my blood pressure like 10 points, so whatever.
They’d just erected this new bar, and there were no TV’s in there… the walls looked the bureau of motor vehicles. I just tried to keep joking with the nervous, giggly hipster tender in there, I had to talk to him the whole time he was close to me, until some other people came in, who said nothing in the ensuing moments. But this bar was at least well lit, with no conversations about or signs regarding disgusting sex acts around.
I looked across the river, out the window. Someone had spraypainted a little figure in some sort of raincoat, almost like a Dick Tracy the detective, except female. Life is all about keeping a lot of things in your mind at one time, so I tried to keep this little Dick Tracy figure, so I’d know just how deeply to look into everyone’s eyes I met with. When you have things, the flies swarm around you like thunder raining cans of house paint. And so, life is never finally having something, you are the tool of the universe. I still remember this was conversation I was having, in a darker bar, over on the other side of town. It was just about fu**ing people up. It wasn’t that great. And you could go to jail for that. More bureau of motor vehicles. Lots of times in my town, people travel by foot downtown alone, they will be homeless or wearing frayed jeans looking like little Tazmanian Devils, staring at you vitriolically no matter how little you have, materials or hope. Your only hope is spending the one thing you have, your only hope is dying, to live again. And over in the poets’ section of the library, there’s Dick Tracy. He discovered it all.

“Floating on Karmic Meridians”

In this bath of what’s before us

I see eyes of irony
Braced in properness,
Straddling years
As facades abide by convention
And ballyhoo
To advance into dust,
But not before documentation
Lays all conger eel miscellany
To the tin quarry.

“Official Bernie Sanders Pepsi Points”

I can’t wait ‘til Bernie Sanders is president, I’m gonna get rich! I figure I’ll be able to afford a Lexus about four months into his term, maybe five. But if not, I’m gonna get my money back. I’m gonna keep my receipt. Yup, that’s right, they’re gonna give me a receipt when I vote, and it costs $2.99 to vote now, a nominal fee at large when you consider the splendor of opportunity unfolding before you, when you can TRULY get that money and say that you’re better than that dude next door.

“Miami & Golfview”

At morality’s maximum,

You will hover in a taut,
Coiled state,
Knowingly peace only in death,
Growing angrier with every green sign
As the plants exhibit furtive miracles
Straight off of plunder.