
“Love Story”


It’s Memorial Day Sunday,

I glide back into town

From Red Bud Trail

And the bypass.


I’m filling gas and

Next to me

I notice a woman who

Seems kind of

Eclectic and lively, like

Someone who would be

Really into cats

Or maybe Van Gogh.


Ok, that’s a stretch.


Cats and plants.


She is regardless

Accompanying a man who’s

Riding a motorcycle and

Who strikes me generally,


As big, ugly and angry.



After the man administers

Various mannerisms and gesticulations

Which somewhat resemble epileptic seizures,


The two get on the bike and start to ride away.


The weather is perfect

And I’m a near-immaculate mood

So when I almost cut them off

While leaving,

I give a very polite

Smile and wave, letting them go.


The fu**ing bastard doesn’t even

Smile or wave as, staring at me

In ugly clothes, an ugly face and

A loud, obnoxious vehicle,

They ride off.


The next Sunday I’m in Big Lots

And there’s a couple next to me.


I’m pretty accustomed to just keeping my

Head down around people

But this guy is like

Jerking his arms up and down

Like a crackhead

And lunging to and fro,

To the point where


I find myself trying to stare him down,

And then I kind of just feel bad,

Because I know how people are

(I especially know how this dude is).


He goes to church and

Gets a new truck to polish

Every year and now

We’re all going to hear about it,

Whether he tells us or not.


And he’s convulsing and

Lunging around, in

Big Lots, rather like

A dog would, sending

My blood pressure up and

My level of interest down

And there’s the woman,

Rewarding the ape-like

Disposition like some

Paradigmatic swatch of

Universal law that is

The only thing that could have

Created Taylor Swift.


And I just put my head down

And walk out and

Try not to care about

The pervasive devolution movement

Prevalent in our culture

And I don’t.

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