
“Four Quadrants”

I wouldn’t mind seeing that guy and seeing what he’s up to even though he recedes every time he’s around me — gets nervous and laughs and such. But I did just hear him profess things with a directness to another type he’s around a lot — one he knows better and might be inclined to poking a fish in its bowl or setting a paper plate on fire, if he had the chance.

And he’s got three brothers. While I’m at it, I might as well confer with all four of them and propagate a race of beings always in positive motion. Well, they all wield stark, adamant distinctions to each other, with one talking about shooting up a house, one in law school, one proud and one prouder, and it’s true that I’ve never imagined the situation of having identity heaped onto you every day, every day, like wet, mildewy clothes that you’d trade and replace with a coat of cactus snow if you could, the better for your blood to course through your veins feeding you tiger venom and swagger.

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