

It’s the COVID again,



If you will,


I’m in Kohl’s in the market for

Literally one t shirt,


Find it in the



A Rolling Stones


After sifting through


Childish shirts of
Ninja turtles and



Which for some

Reason were fitted to adults,



Find it to

Walk clear to the other side

Of the store


To checkout and




Literally 50 people

In line and so


I kind of

Catatonically wait in line for five minutes

Knowing full well that I’ll


Have moved all of two feet during that time,

To walk the shirt


All the

Way back to the other side of the store,

Put it back,

All wrinkly and


Make my

Way to the

Exit and leave and all the while

“Kiss from a Rose” by Seal

Was playing on the PA and

For a second I’d almost forgot

That that’s what

The universe was like.

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