
“Honeychain Night”


The frat row in Terre Haute, Indiana

Is interspersed with inexplicable closeness

With the grid-bound innards of the municipality

In a way that makes no sense —


I sit here in my apartment having all night taken in

Sounds of dogs, trains, curmudgeons and little kids

And now, at 1:28 A.M.,

There is drunken yelling coming from a block over and

Although we live two miles from the nearest decent grocery store,

There is still all this life,

Which I marvel at, in my own way.


Sometimes on my walk home

Down 7th St. which is mostly strewn with endless residencies,

I’ll see some buxom college ages smiling at me

Just hoping everything is ok and

Reality seems ephemeral, the subservient

To these strange, inexplicable moments of seeing these

Explosively beautiful college girls who are 15 years younger than me and

As old as I am,

I still don’t really feel like I know everything,

Probably because all we ever seem to crave are

Change and madness.

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