

In this town in this one bar
They put the girls in this spandex underwear
And really my favorite one I liked because of her face
And hated because of her a** and t**s —
They there they are —
Half the town goes to Friday’s every night
Which cheats and rolls out a whole craft beer menu
Despite the corporate policy otherwise,
And always you can cut the silence with a knife
There’s an extreme awkwardness as the girls
Always in two-somes
Sit there from the skanky bar,
Just drinking their drinks and
Wondering what to say,
Or worse,
Why they were befallen of this life when
There nothing is to say.
With clothes on,
They’ve now been deprived of their very identities —
Somebody has snuffed out their pilot lights and
They are amputated pistons of the worst kind of death
As I look for some sports on and solve people’s problems,
The ones I can.

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