
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“It’s 66 Degrees out and Sunny”

There was this girl today in Whole Foods Issuing an ear-piercing, vitriolic Peal of screaming for About seven minutes or so. . The dad was standing there Not really doing much of anything, Just attempting to reprimand the girl, Basically. . It just made it worse. . I heard something she uttered During the din […]

“In a Rock Band”

She took the low road Full of sand and mud And now her face is but a mask. . The camera never really flashes to her And when it does It’s like it still didn’t flash to her. . She is a walking indication Of what it’s like to give up, To set the exclamation […]

“Sociological Equations”

Birth plus ennui Equals classical music. . Globalization Plus economic depletion Equals jazz. . Globalization plus Economic depletion Plus defunding of public schools’ Music programs in New York Equals hip-hop. . Slavery Equals Gospel. . Slavery Plus globalization Equals rock and roll. . Globalization Plus something Equals country… . I’m not sure what or where […]

“A Moral Quandary”

I saw this post I like on Facebook But I’m not sure if I should like the page. . They might think I’m creepy. . And they might be the benefactor of my will. . And they might be The party that decides Whether or not my life insurance plan Kicks in After I die. […]


Perhaps, short of actually finding a legitimate flaw in you, they were simply not fully adept at showing mirth and good will, or were unprepared to do so at the time.

“After Exiting Miami County”

Over the glaze of An abyss of country plain I glide, the look In the eye Of the bald eagle Napalmed Into my disposition As he seems to say, “Don’t think about me.”

“I Can Feel My Liver Floating around in Chicago”

Was it the boarded-up Hollywood Video, The pi**-stained train car, The string of six-degree days Or the giant, Phallic downtown skyscraper Poking the sky… . We reach Far . Into the Night . And We reach Far into ourselves To kill ourselves To drone ourselves of The crushing din of Everyday life as . I […]

“The Enemy Has Left the Building”

Driving back through Indiana At the end of February, 2024 I notice a vast, exhaustive expanse Of aridness, an eerie, Brown cloak of desolation Befallen our planet on Which we . Have taken to monitoring Everything with video Surveillance, have Advertised marijuana In states where it is illegal and have Sped to the end of […]

“Carmel, Ind.”

We all got the programs When we were in our seats, Glossed them, The faceless corporate nothingness, The ladies who don’t mean anything With fake tans and the Spatial abyss between Noblesville and the city and It was another underdog night When I set out darker than black For a cheap good time And found […]

“Untitled 365”

It comes again and it’s crazy, like a universe-spanning landscape of pastoral light. I’m surprised that it doesn’t feel like the Narcissistic days of college — the tendrils of awkward, sarcastic puns, of that Supergrass CD, of ideals and a start and an end. I think about younger people. The world is on fire in […]