
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Honeychain Night”

  The frat row in Terre Haute, Indiana Is interspersed with inexplicable closeness With the grid-bound innards of the municipality In a way that makes no sense —   I sit here in my apartment having all night taken in Sounds of dogs, trains, curmudgeons and little kids And now, at 1:28 A.M., There is […]

“Listening to Beach House by the River”

I don’t like you Quite as much as I used to Because you hung on to my ions and We became so intertwined that Inside your outer shell Your essence became my very spirit and anxiety, Half of which always just was Wondering how we ever got in this form In the first place And […]

“One for Isaac Brock”

How egotistical we are To take that master piece of music And claim it as our own. . How pompous we are To assert ourselves As so inextricably linked To its grandiosity and perfection As to render a false connection thereto For all of time. . And how noxious we are Not to slow down […]

“Piles of Knobs in the World’s Uterus”

The artist has “love” in his daily membranes And that is an offset — It is something powerful and Not transmissible within conventional realms, Not the product of logic or mandatory deed, But rather permanent

“The Summer Comes Undone”

We now are so many that The furies and the spirits are gone And that dive into the cask Which you wanted to be truth Was just a thorax of hate and Bilious killers, But somehow life will kiss you up your sides With new sets of smiling eyes Because that is what it is […]

“I’ve Been down That Road Before”

Walking back in to do dishes (I think I’ve washed about 50,000 dishes this year) I encounter a guy who looks a little like a Mexican Bukowski (I’ve been getting a lot of these lately… one was riding a bike with one hand with a 44 oz. soda and unbuttoned short sleeve flannel) On the […]

“How to Continue Ignoring Donald Trump”

I wrote a book and This is what it’s called. . Unfortunately, There are no pages in it. . I didn’t write any words. It’s just two covers, bound, With bright, red, unmistakeable Rubber skins, hugging the floor and Protruding out to arc down and poke The opposite cover, somewhat like an Armadillo’s snout, respectively.

“Little Martha”

In the Bar Is a girl working Whose face reminds me of The Allman Brothers song “Little Martha.” . One time I caught her eyes And I think we spoke a little and She was friendly like All the girls are here in Indiana, Especially the ones who are bored bartending. . The breasts are […]

“Class of 2002”

We are the only class that was in high school during both Columbine and 9/11. We tend to talk little. We wiggle a finger around, Meditate and look at the wall, Constructed of fragile fibers, Blood flowing within vessels to Serenade crazy, gushing thoughts that Illuminate the empty world. Between the good of us is […]


Around the corner the woman comes like a bomb And she is unpredictable, With inexplicably beautiful eyes, Eyes which give to contact, Eyes which glow with pain and Volcanic fury, Volcanic understanding, . She articulates new words and makes cookies And You swear you were ok but You want to fu** her like a thunderstorm, […]