
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Energizing Nude”

How the woman Seizes your attention In the center of town in a Lime green top, Bronzed, Exotic skin tone, . And how she thrills you when she comes over And eats what you cooked for her And talks to you, With her Relaxed arms and Gentle, open palms. . You look to her music […]

“Pictures of Sky Angels”

The woman is nothing Like a rag doll whose existence You inundate and dominate Toward procreation, . Just look at how she gravitates To the mean, catastrophic men, Taking emotional shelter under their primal developments. . She feels immense, Intense physical pain In copulation and childbirth, Will shower in any slew of reigning gifts and […]

“Beams of Night”

I see your world now And how Your sky Is a canopy of fire and dragons . And So that Is . What you Give Back to the world . As a natural unfolding Of the day

“Kansas City”

Kansas City, I saw you, One time, . As I climbed a little plateau with My stretch of I-70 angling to the left And I LOOKED to the left To behold the face of the organism Whose vessels I’d just traversed in auto. . You seemed to smile at me And at the whole country […]

“Time Slips in and out of Consciousness”

The man is in a large SUV Parked at a red light In the middle of town. . He sees me start to turn right And inches up forward, Slowly, In his car, Face looking at me and braced In a coiled state of adversarial vigilance. . In his mid-forties and smooth-faced, He smokes on […]

“Celestial Roller Skating”

When you get the impression that somebody behind you Is checking you out, It’s the gods in heaven Telling you that somebody is checking you out. . It’s not radiation. You would know. Don’t thank them. Live your life. You don’t owe them a thing.


I’m here today to write about success because I know what it is. Success creeps into the mind of a sweaty, bearded man whose phone just broke. Success lights the eyes of people in Papua New Guinea when the first cool breeze of fall wafts pungently off of the ocean. Success crouches, evaporates, surprises and […]

“I Try”

You try and That’s the truly heinous act, . With your wedding dress Cut low exposing The sides of explosive, Decadent breasts, . Or coming up to me in the bar Looking like . The surface of the sun, Rapaciously inundating my senses With the horrors of nature and The dizzying orchard of woman’s beauty. […]


It’s the COVID again, Still, “Agstill,” If you will, . I’m in Kohl’s in the market for Literally one t shirt, . Find it in the Form Of A Rolling Stones . After sifting through Myriad Childish shirts of Ninja turtles and Superman . Which for some Reason were fitted to adults, . Finally Find […]

“It Was 67 Degrees and Sunny on May 30”

My hometown calls me back and I have one beer at Corby’s, Then walk up Colfax toward downtown And see what’s going on there.   A 16 year old black kid is riding by me on his bike, Calls me a cop for some unknown reason Despite the fact that I hate cops And have […]