
“Upon Stairs, Hand on Face”

A foggy sepulchre

Stands shyly,
Not knowing her own beauty,
The evening
Fertile with the
Fluorescent light’s
Vibrations, matrimony
Of whim benefitting full,
In her breast and womb
Knowing new stars.


In his

General course of things,
A young man
Might look up and need just
A little light,
For no darker
Is his
Of judgment, and in
His mind
Lie wreaths
Of the splendor, lie
That in whose absence
You might be inclined to complain.

“That Spring”

I was on a natural plane,

It wasn’t like it was just me,
The coats of darjeeling sat there
In their nests on the trees.


I wanted to provide joy to someone,

Somewhere, along the way,
This joy is leaking in me
Like a bottle plugged,
And the first thing I see when I look out my window
Is seven years of lost love,
Of love stabbed,
Grown cold,
When it could have been fields and fields of beauty.
I had something to show you, world.

“You Get Older, and You See”


Was destroyed
In this life,
Detonated from the middle
We wriggle out
Glass drops
On a sedan’s hood.

“In and out of the Jail Cells and We’re Free”

The jail cells,

With their mighty cacophony of swords,
Ignite the setting sun,
Uniformed man standing like wars do,
You’re in the diner
Coaxing the sugar and cream.

“A Slow Day Moving Like Jazz”

It comes at the middle of a day,

It’s the
Garden and you’ve already seen it,
Happy are those
Who look at
They want to
Look at
Nothing exists,
Within or without the self.

“I Just Think I Can Stare at Anyone”

From the

Wet leaves,
Purple and
On the railroad track which is
Raised so far up,
Purple sunshine,
Through the TV’s
Of electricians,
And tow truck
Drivers, and
These see me and kill me,
Through denim
Light years of delayed dinners.


Stark naked

I stand,
Before the tree.
Someone once said
That the trees
I view them
More as being
It is they
Who are honest,
It is they
Who have cast a shadow
Of guileless armament
To stave off
The coming flood,
To smile back with eyes
Like shadows
And dripping with light switches
Of decaying malady.

“Wormholes and Wormwood”

For if you’re suspended in a moment

Of what for the mighty is ecstasy,
And, in this moment, you lose yourself,
Crouched for the killing of the great miscellany,
The nativity scene
In which you just look, don’t touch,
You just observe
What for time immemorial
Has been the object of your intrigue, its desecration.