
“A Bridge over a Sapphire Blue River”

I want to know

If you’ve ever got a smile from someone
To last your whole life
Like being in life’s jugular vein
From a pulmonary explosion
Of understanding,
Simplicity and peace,
And there’s a shining within you,
As you close the purple drapes
And curtains
On shortcoming


It’s while we’re waiting for that message,

Our lives hanging in the balance
Of circles on a scan tron sheet,
That we develop the unrest,
Having seen how human goodness is unusable,
Having seen how human goodness
Betokens the shreds of mockery
Like chloroform floating above the doorway
And Indians’ graves.

“Child Support”

A portion of your paycheck

Goes to funding
The sedative drugs
You need
In order to do your job
In a mentally
And physically
State of mind.
You are on
Your own
Child support.


I assume you get that I was just

“Providing you information,”
That is,
It just now hit you,
But you don’t care,
Because you’re carrying the tabernacles’s attention
The centerpiece
Of two tattooed, muscle-bound boys
I’d see you
Wedged between them
In your own sort of glee,
I liked it,
But not for my own,
I liked it for ITS own,
Belonging to the moment,
Though happening to know that you subscribe
Possibly unwillingly
To this thing called “existence,”
So I know those moments to be fleeting,
And to “roll over your soul,”
As Oasis would say.

“That Explains… SO Much”


– When you find out how much those library cops make per hour, that explains… SO

– When you watch A League of Their Own and hear them making fun of South Bend,
Indiana, and see the situation of that town through a Chicagoan’s lens, that explains… SO much.

– When you hear Spike Lee making fun of Indiana on a Pizza Hut commercial, that explains… SO much.

– When you watch America Psycho, and see how people think introverted, Caucasian
music snobs think, that explains… SO much.

Some of this, you wanted to know, and some of this, you didn’t, but as usual, you don’t really get a choice in the matter.

“Dusty Venue Boutique”

At any given time

You can heal the whole world
If you just stop thinking about sex
If you just stop thinking about zen
At any given time
You can heal the whole world
If you want to


There must have been a congruence,
And things made sense,
The sky pink,
And troops of men
Hovering flanked in cornfield alleys
Under whispering winds,
In peace time.

“How College Ruined My Life”

Well, kind friends, there was once a time in my life when I wanted to be a teacher. But I have to say, one of the teachers I met since moving back here qualified easily as one of the biggest a**holes I’ve ever met, and this other lady actually wrote a creative writing assignment about how abhorrent of an experience teaching is. They won’t let me be one, because I drank and smoked pot, I smoked and drank pot… yet at work at this bar I work at I hear wholesome sociological messages every night like “Ooh I love that a** but I hate that fu**in’ outfit” and “Shots! Shots! Shots!” Again, this would all be all the more excusable if any of the music were at least different. Just feeling confused, wondering if there’s some home-base planet I’m supposed to report to in some other solar system, maybe.

But then, that’s what I get for going to college. College is a “Rousseau”-ist endeavor, and Rousseau is an extremely dull writer, who doesn’t make strong statements, and who apologizes for himself.
College is a place of the quelling of energy. It operates under the ethos that human beings are capable of being intrinsically good, and the deluded principle that education and “awareness” actually improve morality.
Actually, I’ve found, it’s usually in college that students act a fool, and get too drunk, so as to escape their states of mind, these “theoretical” points of view proffered to them which take a logical mode of thought, rather than a fun, free or natural one. Alcohol provides the perfect, much-needed foil for the rigorous schedule of unfeeling information absorption through which students go.
I realize, too, I’m just one man, and I’m not perfect, but at the end of the day it’s clear that I’d be better having not gone to college: I wouldn’t think I was better than other people who work blue-collar jobs, and my “soul,” so to speak, would not take such a hit for the fact that I paid so much for tuition. Also, it’s in college, in Bloomington, Indiana, where I got caught partying… I was once arrested for taking a pi** deep in this abandoned yard, like 40 ft away from the road, or even any light, streetlight or interior.
I used to want to be a mailman, and in high school, I was not hungry for knowledge, at all. I wanted to smoke weed and wear my Bob Marley shirt, and I knew simply from casual knowledge of all the wars that have been fought that knowledge of humanity was an endeavor of diminishing returns.
But, much love for IU, it is a great place with a lot of self-expression, and I realize I don’t speak for everyone.

“A Pocket of Clouds”

They want to prosecute me for the murder,
But I don’t know why.
The murder has served its purpose.
I have seen that blood streaming,
And now my hands are tied,
Under the sky
Of cahoots.

“Oars and Oarsmen”

Our lives are BASED on theory

And theory is located in something called
The “stacks.”
It’s just like Camille Paglia said:
“The idea of ultimate benevolence of nature and God is the most potent of man’s survival mechanisms. Without it, culture would revert to fear and despair.”
I sit here thinking my computer is wrong,
And before every situation
I cannot help but provide the faulty hope
That my opinion is a SOLUTION,
Not just the sheddings of a monster,
And by the time I walk across the room,
I’ve forgotten what I was going to do,
Which was turning the light off.