
Monthly Archives: October 2015


A symbol of God’s grace, A model of beauty, I have now Only in my mind, Where it belongs, Because the actuality of it Coats my own caresses of wardrobes, Choosing cloaks to wear Over this resuscitative din, Like the humming of a furnace, All these passing moments.

“A Retro Left Liberal against Raising the Minimum Wage in America”

Reading another interesting New Yorker article now (it’s feast or famine with this magazine) about Jorge Ramos, anchor of Latino-catering Univision, and his exploits with Donald Trump. Apparently Trump not only refused to do an interview with him, but posted Ramos’ invitational letter on instagram, complete with Ramos’ personal phone number, and then at this […]

“Reflected Contours”

It’s raining in my mind now, From my reserve, Once again bracing me up After waking Within this just one life And sunshine That plagues me Just as do my arms and legs, Uncontrollable truncheons For the mistake making That with my imagination I gouge Into drenched distress For seeing you.

“Jobs You Can Do Stoned, And Why It’s Important to Be Stoned While You’re Doing Them”

Well, I barely remember my own name, and I almost grew a full beard, but I’m finally back from the “quick” jaunt down the street to grab a paper and coffee. Yes, leave it to me to run out of coffee on National Coffee Day. This young girl was in there, high school age, who […]