
Monthly Archives: December 2014


I just saw a person And she is my mix tape, I just saw A person and she Is my vision. . This Is why There is space, To fill how the planets Could endure.

“In Life”

We’re all left to be separate here, And so we awkwardly sit And we may misjudge, Later, Extolling that we were wrong, On a mutual coplanar binge To the end of the night, where, As we did in day, We’ll Dream of returning as one.

“Strawberry Blond”

It’s passed many moons And She means the best, Between brick buildings, . But she’s felt These Moons deep Within her leggings, and her Cheek Color will Devour The night Of its neon beer signs.

“Beings for Whom the World is Insufficient”

I drove back up to Indiana, It was calm, I discussed this with a bartender, Passed the deviating girl at the truck stop With the still blue eyes, . Rode around Amidst words, Kept seeing words like “Can’t” and “won’t” Piping Out from the miscellaneous underbrush, . And now After a denouement, I see motion […]

“Without Grace”

It gets to what you want, not even what’s right, in the end. I’ve seen it in this decaying city, the girls taking off more and more of their clothes. I used to toggle the words “smart” and “funny”, but now I realize they’re one and same. But the funny ones drop out, they can’t […]

“No One Cares about Reality Anyway”

It stands to reason, that as long as there’s some douche bag saying our reality isn’t real, on the weeks when the NFL isn’t interesting, the poetry slam will be, and vice versa. It’s all liquids in our brain, suggesting victoriousness unto the one when the other turns us off. I can imagine the liberality, […]