
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Life in Deadly Times”

I am holding my phone At my front window, . I am taking a picture and I am cropping the picture, afterward On my phone. . I am looking at the picture And all it illustrates such as A tree with new apple blossoms, Half-formed April grass and some Lilting Spring leaves on the Budding […]


The hills are alive With the sound of consumers Stepping within products Into a uniform reality That everyone acknowledges But frowns at Like Coolio But look how the people glare When you walk by doing you, Their whole constitutions Given to an earthquake of want And look at all the times The smiling lady in […]

“A Still Transmission”

The cosmological waves of the universe Ripple and undulate in the stead Of her all-informing presence, With eyes like electric avenues Of composite signals Which take in and inform, Now morphed to exclusive informants by The way the sunglasses fall on her face.


Kindness is not innate. It is Something We do Because we believe In it. It is An ideal Of which animals are incapable and It carries enough intrigue to typically Act as an ethos Of itself.

“I Erect a Mountain”

I erect a mountain When I think of you and your fiery eyes Like an endless chasm of Dark, gray realizations In the eyes of jaded professors On the impossibility of happiness And the rapture laced into danger and All the while I should just Slug . Onto that mole hill I perceive with my […]


Sometimes I think about the interface of life And how sometimes we seem like a deadened Terrarium museum exhibit And then sometimes the overall enterprise Seems to breathe with fire and issue Corridors of ingenuous authenticity, . With sleep undeniably falling in that latter category as We could easily be continually functioning droids That required […]

“Love Song for Winter”

I sit here now On March 22 And think about the inappropriateness Of humming “Valentine and Garuda” By Frank Black and the Catholics As songs are only good for two seasons — Soul Coughing’s “Soft Serve” good for winter and spring and “Valentine and Garuda” good for fall and winter . Where the brown leaves […]

“At an Amber Sunset”

The nice black man Sits in his car On Twyckenham Gazing at the clear, Amber March sunset And on his face is neither victory Nor defeat Nor any type of physiognomy Reflecting a self-concept But solely absorption of the scene Which to me looks like a lie But to him is a pile of Lemon […]

“Crime and Suburbia”

The city is as if A sea of denigration Where want and need Are the formative traits, The founding priorities, And reality is just a Ream of needy eyes, Whites, Little round daggers Giving way To the pallid entropy Of stone-faced, Elevated drivers and Restaurants that they have everywhere In the nation

“My Little Love Letter to Blimpie”

Just a second ago, a Jersey Mike’s commercial came on the TV. I’ve never been to a Jersey Mike’s in my life but they seem to be doing pretty well these days, judging by the prevalence of their ad campaign. I must say, though, the sandwiches featured in the video bore a striking resemblance to […]