
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Untitled 338”

How many times do I have to learn That my self isn’t solid? . In all my delusional excursions Onto a throne in my mind To . Chase a sleazy victory Of separation and finality I missed what I really wanted -. The bone-gristle-cerrating . Ardor of fast-paced interaction Which would yield The inclination . […]

“After the Storm”

Nobody has an ego Today As mother nature has taught us what we are… Mortal. . Today, We are all identical nodes of spirit On our own, separate fractions And it feels ok . As the world has turned and Subsumed itself in volcanic light works And Nothing seems the same.  

“South Bend, Pt. 2”

My former boss At the bar Unfriended me on Facebook And won’t let me follow her on Instagram. . The last time I talked to her, She gave me a hug. . I’m not sure why, But her bust has like doubled in size Since I worked for her six years ago. . And now […]

“Total Control”

I pass the Derelict candy shop On West Washington. . The shop has been Closed, from The . Looks of it, . For About 40 years. . It is, however, Secured with an Armored door, . Which looks Brand spanking new, Vital, effective, Impenetrable and non- Negotiable, toward . A paradigm of Total control.

“The Art Museum in South Bend”

The art museum in South Bend Stands right downtown On Michigan St., Down the block from a 10-story hotel And the event center That stages musicals, plays and concerts. . I take a sidewalk Offset from the street 20 feet To get in. . Stooped at the entrance Is a boy of about 14 Looking […]

“I Put on Clothing and Listen to Rock and Roll”

It is with a sly poker face That I drive by the overpriced apartments Downtown, The ones I can’t afford, . And throughout my day In the emotional desert I will look for color In the eyes of others . And find it when I’m least prepared And most poised to temper my frustration With […]

“Delusions are Real”

Impressions, sometimes, Are derelict, As the gay dude initially thinks I’m coming on to him To then sit listlessly A couple nights later As I ignore him, Talking to the gorgeous female bartender With the spectacular body, Articulating, expressing and, Generally, Embodying everything I’d initially wanted to see in the gay dude The other night […]

“To Paint a Lens Purple”

It’s your pride That stinks up the room When you’re so sure That you’re reaching a plateau, A platform that’s going to jettison you From your former life Of squalor, of insecurity and lack of meaning, And people . Have every Right To feel compunction When they sense that flight in you And . When […]

“Untitled 315”

She was talking to me about something And I didn’t really care anyway I was just happy to have the company And conversation Like a movie that would be impossible to make now And somewhere a plane was taking off And she trailed off, Left off, Manufactured a stoppage to her rhetoric and Withheld the […]

“Rank and File”

Were you blessed with Resiliency or . Did you just Get through The sh** You had to get through? . It depends Who you ask.