
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“The Little Wife on Riverside Dr.”

She stands ardently on the porch Administering to two men, A husband and A worker. . Her arms are folded and she is Stationary within her domain. . She smiles and nods, Of slender jawline, Neck, waist, And low height. . I pass by her and her Eyes seem to absorb me Within an orb […]

“A Quiet Day”

A drone sidled its way down from the cumulus assemblages with curious casualness, one day, after the apocalypse. The people had all fled for the seas, which were salty and piping hot. The enterprise was completely still. The drone made its way to one of the old stockyards. It couldn’t feel it but the ghosts […]

“The Displeasure Principle: A Phone Conversation”

“Listen, Fred. I’ll explain women in expedited fashion. At least women around here. They operate on the displeasure principle. It’s similar to the concept of in Indian times the father asking for gifts of animals for the daughter’s hand in marriage. They require a sacrifice. They think of themselves as prizes, as gifts, almost like […]

“The Salesman”

I walk into the Verizon store where my mom is waiting for me. We’re set to get a new phone for me. I’m on her plan that she’s not even on, if that gives you any idea of how fu**ed up this whole situation is. When I walk into the store, I notice the salesman’s […]

“Untitled 357”

They got the kid For pacing up and down the sideline When the ball was nowhere near — Technical foul, one shot for the other team. . The kid was in a long-sleeve t-shirt And it was his first time being On cable TV in his entire life. . I thought of the man in […]

“Like Black Ice”

Talking to the Canadian woman, 27 or so, In the Walgreens in North Carolina, . I am observing how she stands Patiently and easily, making Voluminous eye contact with Dark, non-expressive but . Softly inviting eyes. . She is alarmingly marked by The fact that she is not frightened, Not acting like I am a […]

“An Analysis of the ‘Non-Sequitur Red Bull Commercial’”

Anybody who’s been watching TV in the last five years knows that these animated Red Bull commercials are pretty much the pinnacle of existence. They feature droll, unique little characters, all drawn in soothing, pastel tones, and range from cute, to bizarre, to downright mind-blowing, as is the case with one of the most recent […]

“On a Highway to He**”

I am bathing in a quagmire of atrocity. Day by day, I just try to stay calm and not do anything stupid. To the greatest extent possible, I try to evade humanity. When I spend two consecutive days in my room, blogging, listening to music, writing poetry, staring out the window and watching college basketball, […]

“Entropic Foreground”

Walking around the jail cafeteria I glance over And see my reflection in the glass Behind which People I don’t know can see me And I weave through An abundance of men Who have been caught beating their wives Composing two-thirds of the individuals being held. . The TV relates a story of an “improper […]

“South Bend: an Expose”

I’m walking into the Hilton Double Tree in downtown South Bend, which stands across from the lot that used to hold the College Football Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame building still sits, completely empty for the past 11 or so years, on a 30,000-square-foot lot that also features a concrete football field painted […]