
Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Shrapnel Face”

It’s that smile — It’s that smile that really scares me As the eyes splay out In abysses of unfeeling malaise Like dark black vacuums That plunge you depths of Inhuman torpor.   It is a being That consumes wine but does not get drunk, Shoveling shelves of panic On to your sun,   It […]

“You May Never Waste Your Energy again”

The well dressed man Came along And suggested That I was wasting my energy Doing things that weren’t going to pay off in the long run, Doing things that didn’t make sense, He had an electronic notebook In his imaginary pocket and You Might Say He Had all the answers as I traipsed by him […]

“High School”

I was developmental. That’s what they all said about me, all the time, and about all my peers. So I believed them. So life was a drifting past the next person, hoping to avoid the next cumbersome set of eyes, full of vitriol and wishing only for my demise. In third grade I’d started this […]

“Yes, I Am Rambling about Black Holes”

Just earlier today I was lying down trying to take a nap, unemployed on a Saturday that was cold and crappy, and started thinking about black holes, for some reason. As we know, they are areas deep in outer space which possess a gravitational force so heavy that not even light can escape from them. […]

“Initiating a Project Timetable”

My birthday was September 1, which I’m pretty sure is going to be the date that one day a clawed baboon is going to come out of the sky and fire-spit-bomb the entire town. We kept getting updates, the whole football game, about Hurricane Irma — the mounting death toll, the evacuated Southern towns, and […]

“Social Distancing”

When you’re inside of that thing, Oozing your vapors out its catastrophic edges and Thinking of it lasting in angry fortitude After you’re dead   Well you kick and flail, Speak in gibberish and Make a helicopter with your shirt Over your head   But now that metal thing outside of you Has incurred some […]

“Gray Skies, Translucent Toxins”

It’s basically just unreal, at this point. But it was last Friday, a week ago today, that I quit my job during a panic attack, attempting to talk with masked customers under a boisterous, crowded din, and all the basketball games got cancelled. I think they’d already slated the NCAA’s to be played in gyms […]

“The Sun is a Leo”

In this day of death It’s hard to believe But the sun is out On a Sunday The sun never dies it only Has good days and bad days Like everybody else, it only Wants your attention boundlessly And eternally waiting on Those darn clouds to dissipate so it can Bang out its chords of […]

“Another Side of My Eyes’ Retreat”

I gloat at the women, Remind them that men lead lives of honor, Of glory,   Men fight battles, Work long, hard days, Sleep more wounded nights and Daunt themselves with danger,   But how the women provide nice smiles And simple nothings To keep our minds off the harshness of the day   And […]

“Lift the Veil”

The reason why you felt low, Generic, small and uneasy Sitting in that room and Professing yourself in a Guileless and honest way might be that That’s actually a hazardous condition — Your fears were perfectly justified for their Lack of umbrella under life’s noxious judgments, “Success” being like a Destination of frozen fog